A full body thermal scan procedure is used for the early detection of abnormal changes in the body. It finds indications of onset of disease, abnormal organ function and unaccounted for pain. It is a useful tool for the purposes of preventive health care and further diagnostic testing. The full body thermal scan covers the entire body, taking images from head down to the toes.
Thermography can detect early signs of the development of disease in the body such as formation of tumors and breast cancer as well as periodontal and heart disease. Thermal imaging scans performed with experience and expertise can allow you to identify and understand potential health issues today rather than years from now when it can be too late to treat.
Our full body report provides a spectrum of findings, from hot spots or inflammation found in the body, commonly seen as myofascial or degenerative changes, to indications of health issues and concerns. This is sometimes noted in the report as a sluggish liver, an under-active thyroid, a low immune function or plaque buildup in the carotid arteries.
A full body scan provides peace of mind, a clear internal roadmap for proactive and preventative care, and guidance for next steps in the event of a confirmed diagnosis (after a positive biopsy or three high risk correlation screenings/reports).
Many of the current tests to assess organ health are invasive and uncomfortable. MRI scans can often make people feel claustrophobic, CT scans have very high levels of radiation, colonoscopies are uncomfortable and difficult. The list goes on. If you have some concerns these have been the only options offered, which for minor issues or early stage problems are uncomfortable, expensive and potentially risky. Thermal imaging can detect organ dysfunction without any invasive tests, therefore if there is no serious issue you can avoid further, unnecessary testing procedures.
Ultrasounds, CT scans and MRI scans give wonderful detail when you are looking at a small area. They give feedback on muscles, bones and other tissues. However if the area examined is not the area that is causing the problem you will not get clear answers. A common example of this is kidney problems causing back pain. As a patient it can be difficult to “feel” the difference, however a thermal imaging test can quickly and easily determine the true cause of the problem as it images a much larger area. So you get the appropriate treatment straight away.
Teletherm Infrared Systems / Research is associated with advanced technology, performance, quality and reliability. Application specialties:
- Acupuncture
- Burn Centers
- Neurology
- Dermatology
- Neurophysiology
- Oncology
- Ob-Gyn
- Cardiology
- Plastic Surgery
- Veterinary
- Podiatry
- Pediatrics/Geriatrics
- Internal Medicine
- PM&R
- Rheumatology
- Ophthalmology
- Dentistry
- Orthopedics
- Naturopathy
- Integrative Health Care
For the adjunctive evaluation of:
- Breast Abnormalities
- Thyroid
- Peripheral Vascular
- Cerebral Vascular
- Musculoskeletal
- Inflammatory and Neoplastic conditions
- There are many biomedical, scientific and health applications
This is an extremely objective test, involving an understanding of fundamental medicine (anatomy and physiology). Temperature differences appear as color gradations based upon increases or decreases in thermal activity at the various anatomical regions.
Radiometric infrared camera – revolutionary technology – runs solely off USB adapter. Palm-held imaging system for quick assessment and thermal evaluations.
- Small sized rugged camera with motorized focus
- Ready-to-use package for an attractive price, including versatile image processing software and connection cables
Camera package includes: mounting bracket with nut, USB cable for output/input (1 m, longer cables available) incl. terminal block, complete Tiger4 Cub Software package and configured laptop.
- Both real time radiometric and snapshot recording
- Optical resolution: 382×288 pixels
- Detector FPA, uncooled, 17×17 μm pitch
- Spectral range: 7,5÷13 μm
- Temperature range: -20 °C÷100 °C
- Frame rate: 80 / 27 Hz
- 29°×22° degree lens
- Thermal sensitivity (NETD): <80 mK
- PC interface USB 2.0 / Ethernet (100 Mbit/s) / PoE / RS 4852
- Process interface (PIF)
- Ambient temperature: 0 °C÷50 °C
- Weight: 185 g
- Shock / Vibration 3) IEC 60068-2-27
- Power supply USB / PoE / 5÷30 VDC
- 2 Year Warranty
Palm-held mini camera for quick assessment and thermal measurement. FPA detector system with video rate capture – for live action studies. Provides for single or continuous snapshot capture into TIFF file format. Radiometric video recording with ability to select individual frames.
Camera package includes: complete Tiger4 Cub Software package and configured laptop, table top tripod and 1/4-20 tripod mount, carry case and powered through USB connection cable.
- Radiometric Video and Snapshot modes for image capture
- Optical resolution: 382×288 / 640×480 pixels
Detector FPA, uncooled
- Spectral range: 7,5÷13 μm
- Temperature range: -20 °C÷100 °C
- 29°×22° / 33°×25° degree lens – changeable
- Thermal sensitivity (NETD): <40 mK / <75 mK
- Standard palettes included
- Communication interface: USB 2.0
- Interchangeable lenses
- Android compatible
- 2 Year Warranty
Suitable for high performance biomedical, scientific, health related thermal evaluations. Dedicated medical infrared imager for full protocol studies (human & veterinary).
Camera package includes: powered through USB connection cable, 3/8″ Euro thread for tripod or camera stand mounting (tripod mounted shown on picture), complete Clinical Thermology software and configured laptop.
Teletherm TIGER4 Pro / Plus specifications and advantages:
- Gold standard zero-drift detector system
- Immediate AutoSave single frame capture for extremely sensitive imaging
- Device Independent compatible file format with high performance SED technology
- Thermodynamically stable with low noise & calibrated black-body reference
- On-site installation/training available
- USB controller
- Optical resolution: 320×240 pixels
- Spectral range: 8÷12 μm
- Variable-focus with front surface optics (no lenses required – excellent depth of field)
- Radiometric
- Spatial Resolution: 0,28 mm per pixel
- FOV: ~28°
- Thermal sensitivity (NETD): <15 mK (nominal – very low noise/clear image)
- Temperature Range: Room to 45 degrees C (calibrated for physiological measurement)
- ±0,5 °C accuracy (nominal)
- LN2 Cryogenic 77K (gold standard)
- Digital Zoom
- Time Delay for Self-Scan & Time Sequence Multiple Image Capture
- Complete ThermReview Clinical Thermology post-processing software
- 20+ Palettes and palette creation package
- Automatic x,y coordinate system for each temperature value
- Multiple image display
- Calibration software for in the field adjustment
- Statistical software module for third party access to image values in CSV or Excel format
- Multiple isotherm processing module
- Counter-balanced camera stand with locking wheels (valid for Plus only; stand may not be available and/or can be deducted)
- Personalized Instruction & Training at Teletherm facilities / On site available (valid for Plus only)
- 1 Year Warranty
Teletherm Infrared is listed by Market Watch as one of the Top Manufacturers of Veterinary Thermography (ref. Veterinary Thermography Market Report, October 13, 2020). Thermal imaging is an objective assessment of the situation where communication between animal and doctor may be limited, or not properly understood through other methods.
Suitable for large and small animals. Advantages:
- Rapid and quick assessments
- Non-invasive
- Provides valuable information
- Important for Animal Care
- Establish baselines for outcome measures
- Monitor efficacy of latest treatments
- Stress evaluations
- Important for sports and rehabilitation
- Efficient for studying livestock
- Thermal imaging eliminates some guesswork
- Provides precise heat map of affected area
- Efficient way to learn more about the animal
- There has been greater utilization with large animals in the private clinical setting than with small ones
- Zoo animals can also be helped by making sure there are no soft tissue injuries, that otherwise might go undetected
- Laboratory animals such as pigs, rats, rabbits, or monkeys have been used to understand certain disease processes or the effects of pharmaceutical products and therapies
- An objective thermal perspective is provided
- Taking pictures with an infrared camera to evaluate a painful condition on a horse is quite dramatic and extremely helpful to the veterinary physician or horse trainer.
- Windows compatible
- Touch-screen compatible
- Voice activated commands
- Nine images can be displayed in a single window, simultaneously
- Place temperature markers with pointers at any user selected angles and distance
- Move to any image and automatically show appropriate temperatures for that image
- Name of image, date, time and temperature range stamp at bottom of each image
- Module for download of image temperature values to Excel format
- Different color palette formats can be used on the same image or within the same window
Design options for multiple palettes and isotherms for any image location on the screen.
- Note the use of black to white, or reverse, as demonstrated on the mouth image at the bottom right
- Isotherms can be designated to highlight all areas at a certain temperature value or range within the image
- Instant temperature read at top left corner of any image selected for any pixel location within the image
- Note use of graphing function for both bar and line graphs. These can be positioned for any vertical or horizontal location on a selected image
- Function for re-processing any saved image with fixed temperature values and a set ΔТ (temperature differential) per color
- Multiple digital zoom
- Software calibration in the field
- Reverse color scale control
- Note taking on image
- Integration of outside .bmp images from other software and imagery
- Edit, copy, paste for use in reports
- Standard PC file/save/retrieve and print functions for images
- Compact file size for efficient use over the internet.
Thermal imaging studies and examples:
.Back pain example and other thermal health imaging.
Thermal imaging series taken before and after acupuncture treatment on the leg for Baker’s Cyst problem. Subject suffered pain with left leg. Major area of inflammation on left leg before acupuncture treatment (first two images in upper left – anterior, posterior, respectively). On posterior view of left leg (top middle image), note region of increased heat, represented in red. Significant asymmetry from back of knee to lower left leg. Note significant cooling of posterior left leg on image top right after initial treatment, (yellows and greens) and after 1.5 hours on anterior view with some warming back up on posterior view (2nd row right). The female subject was treated again the following morning. Final image on lower right.
Facial views comparing effects after removing each cream and then, wash/dry of face: note that there is greater thermal activity exhibited in the face after the exfoliating cream has been used, even after the subject has removed the cream and washed, whereas the cold cream image on the right still shows greater areas of decreased thermal activity, particularly in the cheeks (left to right – exfoliating cream, milk lotion, cold cream).
Before acupuncture image shows areas of significantly increased thermal activity throughout left upper thoracic region. Image right shows the subject after time elapse from acupuncture of approximately 40 minutes.
Raymed 09 Ltd.
+359 876 30 30 53